Important Foot Care tips for the Diabetics
Foot care becomes particularly important for those who are diabetics. Diabetes causes when the body stops the natural production of insulin and it starts struggling to cope up with the external intake of sugar. The inability to produce required insulin or use it effectively results in raised levels of blood sugar called hyperglycemia. The point is how diabetes impacts the feet health, in this blog you will get all answers related to the feet problems caused by diabetes along with the essential tips to care for your feet when you are diabetic, stay with us till the end of this blog: If you have diagnosed with diabetes type-I or Type-II then feet are an important part that demands extra care. For your knowledge, there are major conditions that need to see the Marrickville podiatrist for immediate help: · Nerve damages: the blood supply to the feet may get affected which will slow down the process of healing sores, inf...